We have found some more differences between Australian English and British English. So we’ve updated our lists!

Foods! A few times I’ve had to ask questions about what certain things are on menus when dining out. Or when food shopping with family! So here is what we’ve learned so far, Australian term first then British term.

Eggplant = Aubergine

Chips = Crisps

Butternut Pumpkin = Butternut Squash

Zucchini = Courgette

Capsicum – Pepper

Our previous post (with updates) on Australian and British word differences is below for those who missed it the first time around!

We have had some very funny moments during our time over here in England. Most of them to do with words that have very different meanings to us in Australia compared to the British. So, we’ve started compiling a list of all the new words we’ve learned so far and keep adding to it as we go as I’m sure we will come across a few more faux pas moments eventually!

So here goes words with both the Australian and British meanings:

Pants = trousers in Australia and undies in England*

Thongs = flip flops in Australia and G-strings in England**

Doona = doona in Australia and duvet in England***

Spunk = good looking man in Australia, England I think you can work it out!

Toot = bottom in Australia and stuff left lying around in England****

Joggers = runners/running shoes in Australia and running/exercise trousers in England*****

Vest = singlet in Australia and vest in England

Lounge room = Lounge room in Australia and Lounge in England

Lane way = Lane way in Australia and lane in England

Road way = road in Australia and road way in England

Punter = gambler in Australia and economy class in England

Do you have any words and/or phrases that we could add to our list?

*Many times we have said things to the tune of “My pants are falling down.” “I’ve worn the same pair of pants three times this week.” “I need more pants.” “May I wear your pants today?” etc. Substitute the word pants for undies and it become very funny for our English family and very weird for any strangers that happen to be passing by at the moment we say it! We also have a whole new appreciation for Miranda (Hart) and all her pant related humour!

**Again, mentioned a few times (despite the lack of thong wearing weather) quite the same reaction to pants!

***When compiling our list of things needed for Vincent we frequently discussed purchasing a doona. This went on for a while, as did some confused looks from the family, before someone finally asked “What’s a doona?”

****The other night Maggy said “right, before bed everyone needs to put their toot up stairs.”

*****Mikayla said “My joggers are a little wet but I’ll be able to wear them still”, Maggy and Graham thought she was going to wear wet trousers!

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